
EasyLayout provides different layouts that not available with default layout groups.


  • Main Axis Axis

    Determine how elements will be placed (at horizonal or vertical direction first).

  • Layout Type LayoutTypes

    • Compact: Compactly places the elements.

    • Grid: Places elements in the grid. Cell size is not fixed and depend on elements sizes in the same row and column.

    • Flex: Places elements like CSS flexbox layout.

    • Staggered: Places elements one-by-one to the shortest column or row depending on the main axis.

    • Ellipse: Places elements one-by-one on the border of the ellipse or the circle starting from Angle Start and Angle Step distance between items.

    • Hex: Places elements in the hexagonal grid.

  • Group Position Anchors

    Only for the Compact and Grid layouts.

    Combination of horizonal (Left, Center, Right) and vertical (Upper, Middle, Lower) positions.

    Elements combine to the group, this option specifies group position relative to the parent.

  • Row Align HorizontalAligns

    Only for the Compact layout.

    Element position in the row (Left, Center, Right).

  • Inner Align InnerAligns

    Only for the Compact layout.

    Column position relative to the group (Top, Middle, Bottom).

  • Compact Constraint CompactConstraints

    Only for the Compact layout.

    • Flexible: Rows and columns count depends on the parent size.

    • Max Column Count

    • Max Row Count

  • Compact Constraint Count int

    Only for the Compact layout.

    Max count of the rows or columns for the Compact Constraint option.

  • Cell Align Anchors

    Only for the Grid layout.

    Elements position relative to the cell size. Same as Group Position.

  • Grid Constraint GridConstraints

    Only for the Grid layout.

    • Flexible: Rows and columns count depends on the parent size.

    • Fixed Column Count

    • Fixed Row Count

  • Grid Constraint Count int

    Only for the Grid layout.

    Count of the rows or columns for the Grid Constraint option.

  • Flex Setting EasyLayoutFlexSettings

    Only for the Flex layout.

    • Wrap bool

      If disabled elements will all placed onto one line (row or column).

    • Justify Content EasyLayoutFlexSettings.Content

      Alignment along the main axis. Also distribute extra free space on the main axis.

      • Start: elements placed at the start of the line.

      • Center: elements placed at the center of the line.

      • End: elements placed at the end of the line.

      • Space Between: first element at the start of the line, last element at the end of the line, other elements placed between them with evenly spacing.

      • Space Around: first and last elements are placed with 1n space from the edges, other elements placed with 2n space between them.

      • Space Evenly: elements are placed so that the spacing between any two element and the space to the edges is equal.

    • Align Content EasyLayoutFlexSettings.Content

      Alignment of the lines (columns or rows) along the cross axis. Also distribute extra free space on the cross axis.

      • Start: lines placed to the start of the parent.

      • Center: lines placed to the center of the parent.

      • End: lines placed to the end of the parent.

      • Space Between: first line to the start of the parent, last line to the end of the parent, other lines placed between them with evenly spacing.

      • Space Around: first and last lines are placed with 1n space from the edges, other lines placed with 2n space between them.

      • Space Evenly: line are placed so that the spacing between any two lines and the space to the edges is equal.

    • Align Items EasyLayoutFlexSettings.Items

      Define how elements are placed out along the cross axis on the line (column or row).

      • Start

      • Center

      • End

  • Staggered Settings EasyLayoutStaggeredSettings

    Only for the Staggered layout.

    • Fixed Block Count bool

      Count of the rows or columns.

    • Blocks Count int

  • Ellipse Settings EasyLayoutEllipseSettings

    Only for the Ellipse layout.

    Set equal width and height for the circle layout.

    RectTransform pivot is used as the center of the ellipse.

    • Width Auto bool

      RectTransform width is used as the width of the ellipse.

    • Width float

      Ellipse width if Width Auto disabled.

    • Height Auto bool

      RectTransform height is used as the height of the ellipse.

    • Height float

      Ellipse height if Height Auto disabled.

    • Angle Start float

      Position of the first element in the degrees.

    • Angle Step Auto bool

      Are elements placed with equal angular distance or specified Angle Step?

    • Angle Step float

      Elements placed with specified angular distance between neighbour elements.

    • Fill EllipseFill

      Determines how to calculate the distance between elements if Angle Step Auto enabled.

      • Closed: angular distance is 360 degrees divided into the elements count; distance is the same between the first and last elements.

      • Arc: angular distance is arc length divided into the elements count minus one

    • Arc Length float

      Distance between first and last elements if Angle Step Auto enabled and Fill is Arc.

      Can be more than 360 degrees.

    • Align EllipseAlign

      Determines how elements are placed on the ellipse border.

      • Outer: right borders of the elements are placed on the ellipse border.

      • Center: center of the elements are placed on the ellipse border.

      • Inner: left borders of the elements are placed on the ellipse border.

    • ElementsRotate bool

      Rotate elements according to position or not.

    • ElementsRotationStart float

      Initial rotation of the elements.

  • Hex Settings EasyLayoutHexSettings

    • Orientation OrientationMode

      • FlatTop Flat-top orientation.

      • PointyTop Pointy-top orientation.

    • Coordinates CoordinatesMode

      • Read Read coordinates from the HexCoordinates component and place components in the grid according to those coordinates.

      • Write Automatically places components to the grid and writes calculated coordinates to the HexCoordinates component.

    • Shoves Odd bool If enabled shoves odd rows to the bottom (if FlatTop) or right (if PointyTop); otherwise, shoves even rows.

    • Constraint HexConstraints

      • Flexible No constraints.

      • FixedColumnCount Constraint the number of columns to a specified number.

      • FixedRowCount Constraint the number of rows to a specified number.

      • CellsPerRow Constraint the cells per row to a specified number.

      • CellsPerColumn Constraint the cells per column to a specified number.

    • ConstraintCount int Number for the specified constraint.

    • Decrease Shoved Shoved rows or columns will have 1 cell less than the specified constraint (only for the CellsPerRow and CellsPerColumn constraint).

  • Spacing Vector2

    Empty space between elements.

    Can be more than specified value for Flex layout.

    For Hex layout it is recommended to have following ratio:

    • FlatTop: Y should be X / 2

    • PointyTop: Y should be X * 2

  • Symmetric bool

    Use symmetric margin.

  • Margin Vector2

    Empty space from parent edges.

  • Skip Inactive bool

    Do not reserve space for disabled elements.

  • Right To Left bool

    The order of placement of elements.

  • Top To Bottom bool

    The order of placement of elements.

  • Reset Rotation bool

    Reset rotation of the elements to 0.

  • Movement Animation bool

    Animate elements repositioning.

  • Movement Animate All bool

    Animate all elements if enabled; otherwise new elements will not be animated.

  • Movement Curve AnimationCurve

    Movement animation curve.

  • Resize Animation bool

    Animate elements resizing.

  • Resize Animate All bool

    Animate all elements if enabled; otherwise new elements will not be animated.

  • Resize Curve AnimationCurve

    Resize animation curve.

  • IgnoreLayoutElementSizes bool

    ILayoutElement options will be ignored. Increases performance without side effects if Children Width and Children Height are not controlled.

  • Children Width ChildrenSize

    • Do nothing: do not resize elements.

    • Set Preferred: set element width to Preferred Width.

    • Set Max From Preferred: set maximum of the Preferred Width from the all elements.

    • Fit Container: change children size in range from minimal to preferred to fit container.

    • Set Preferred and Fit Container: set children size to preferred, then increase size proportionally Flexible Width to fit parent width if required.

    • Shrink On Overflow: decrease elements width if summary width more than parent width including margin.

  • Children Height ChildrenSize

    Similar to Children Width


  • Settings Changed UnityEvent

    The event is raised when any setting is changed.