Place the Assembly-CSharp.dll into the <installation directory>\GoD_Data\Managed (make the backup of the original file before replacing it)
Place the ui-mod.ini into the installation directory containing GoD.exe
F1: quick save
F2: quick load
F3: save
F4: load
VN Mode:
Space: to next line (if AlternateVNKeys enabled)
Right Mouse Button: hide text (if AlternateVNKeys enabled)
Shift: hide text (if AlternateVNKeys enabled)
B: text bold on/off
Numpad +: increase game speed
Numpad -: decrease game speed
Numpad *: reset game speed
Middle Mouse Button: gather resources or jump
M: show/hide minimap
[: decrease minimap transparency
]: increase minimap transparency
Numpad +: increase game speed
Numpad -: decrease game speed
Numpad 0: toggle skills palette
Numpad 1-9: use skill (keys match with skills position, not number: skill 1 is top left and assigned to Numpad 7, skill 9 is bottom right and assigned to Numpad 3)
A/D or Left Arrow/Right Arrow or Mouse Wheel: select previous/next enemy group
Right Mouse Button: cancel action
reduced dungeon load time
added Optimization option in ui-mod.ini: increases performance in exchange for increased RAM usage
Battle: Numpad +- keys to increase/decrease game speed
Workshop: fixed excess slot when adding stone
Save/Load: now the mouse wheel changes page
Bugfix: fixed missing stone name from the message " stone(s) synthesized."
Mod fix: fixed bug when the "Enchantment effects" text is too big
Mod fix: prevented double cancel action in Battle when cursor over skills block
Mod fix: double click to remove item in the Guild Storage now works properly
Items: now items can be selected with a left click and click to bin will delete all selected items (works only on the current page)
Inventory, Storage, Shop, Kitchen: added mouse wheel support to scroll pages
Loot Items: added double-click support to move items to the inventory
Bugfix: stackable items now can be deleted from the Guild Storage
Mod fix: fixed items sort
Inventory: double middle click to remove item (move to trash bin)
Battle: added right click to cancel the action
Shop: double click to buy the item no more reset page
Mini Map: added keys "[" and "]" to increase/decrease map transparency
VN Mode: added B key to text bold on/off (not sure that all text will fit so make it toggleable instead of permanent setting)
items sort now is stable (order is not changed when you buy or sell items)
- Guild Storage: added button to move all items from the selected tab into storage and from storage
Mod fix: VN text was hidden when closing the log or settings on the right mouse button click
Mod fix: incorrect save on F3 in dungeon
Mod fix: character portraits are not reset after hit and stay displayed in red
Battle: switch target on mouse wheel or arrow left/right keys or a/d keys
Guild / Storage: double click to add/remove item
Battle: numpad key 0 to toggle skills palette
Battle: numpad keys 1-9 support to use skills (keys match with skills position, not number)
Skills: increase skill level on double-click
Bugfix: fixed tutorial images and positions of markers
added minimap, press M key to show/hide (size, transparent, hotkey can be changed in ui-mod.ini)
added gather resources and jump on the middle mouse button
added hotkeys to increase/decrease game speed: + numpad key to increase speed, - numpad key to decrease speed, * numpad key to reset
(optional) movement direction keys (arrows/wasd) are changed counter-clockwise (option RotateMovementKeys in ui-mod.ini)
increased animation speed (option UIAnimationSpeed in ui-mod.ini)
buy/sell on double-click
select the item on double-click
add magic stone on double-click
remove magic stone on double-click
craft on double-click
equip on double-click
Enchantment effects:
added scroll
added save on F3, load on F4
quick save/load hotkeys now also work in VN and guild mode
VN mode:
(optional) space to next line (instead of hide text), right mouse button or shift to hide text (option AlternateVNKeys in ui-mod.ini)
fixed freeze when opening "Settings / Sound" and closing without changing anything
fixed missing item name in "<Item> was sold" for the consumable items (probably some other items too)