
Release 1.17.12

  • added ScrollRectAutoScroll component: allows scrolling content during drag&drop when the pointer is in less than a specified distance from the border

  • ListView: fixed ReversedOrder for the horizontal direction

  • Drag: added the DragDelay option - how many seconds must pass from the click to the start of dragging

  • Drag: added the RedirectDragToScrollRect option - redirects the drag events to the parent ScrollRect if the drag starts before DragDelay time is passed

Release 1.17.11

  • ListView: scroll no more “jump” when dragging backward and item size is changed

  • Widgets Generator: fixed bug occurring when the default theme is not specified

Release 1.17.10

  • ListView: added the RetainScrollPosition option, if enabled ListView will try to retain the scroll position when items are added or deleted from the list

  • ListView: improved the LoopedList option support

  • ListView, TiveView: fixed missing items in some cases if the list type is of variable size

  • ListViewPaginator: fixed animation bug

  • ObservableList: OnCollectionChange event is no more raised in cases like “list[index] = list[index]” (for reference type only)

  • Widgets Generator: fixed script error

Release 1.17.9

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: ActivateInputField() method renamed to Activate() in the IInputFieldProxy interface

  • added DataLoader class to simplify loading and caching data

  • Accordion: added Interactable option

  • CenteredSlider: added Interactable and PointerButton options

  • ColorPicker: added Interactable option

  • Combobox: added Interactable option

  • Combobox: added RepositionListView option, if enabled ListView is automatically positioned to be completely visible if partially hidden by the bottom or right side of the screen

  • Combobox: added ChangeRounderCorners option, if enabled then corner radiuses will be changed to match the repositioned ListView

  • FileListViewPath: added Interactable, DisabledColor, and PointerButton options

  • ListView: added LoopedNavigation option, enabled by default, if enables/disables navigation from first to last item and vice versa

  • ListView: added MultipleSelectRequireKeys option, disabled by default, items selection will work similarly to file explorer if enabled

  • ListView: added RequireVisible option, number of visible items from current item to border on navigation

  • ListView: scroll no more “jump” when scrolling backward and item size is changed

  • ListView: LoopedList option now works correctly with items of variable sizes

  • ListViewPaginator: fixed bug with empty ListView and incorrectly detected page in some cases

  • OpenContextMenu: added Interactable and PointerButton options

  • Paginator: added Interactable option

  • SliderScroll: no more change Slider value if it is not interactable

  • Tabs: added TabsScroll component to toggle tabs with mouse scroll

  • TreeNode: fixed incorrect deserialization

  • UI Themes: fixed ThemeTarget bug caused by removed component

Release 1.17.8

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: public virtual void Init() methods are split into two methods public void Init() and protected virtual void InitOnce() to avoid excessive flag check. To fix broken code you need to replace public override void Init() with protected override void InitOnce().

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: UIThemes ThemesReferences and ReferencesGUIDs scripts moved from the Editor folder to the Scripts folder

  • added SelectableMarker: shows the specified marker for the currently selected game object.

  • added TextMeshProPaginator for the TMP_Text (use with text Overflow = Page)

  • AutoCombobox: added DataSource, SelectedIndex, SelectedIndices, SelectedItem, and SelectedItems properties (proxies for the corresponding ListView properties)

  • Combobox: added DataSource, SelectedIndex, SelectedIndices, SelectedItem, and SelectedItems properties (proxies for the corresponding ListView properties)

  • EasyLayout: added MovementAnimateAll and ResizeAnimateAll options - animate movement/resize for all elements if enabled; otherwise new elements will not be animated.

  • ListView: CenterTheItems renamed to the AlignCenter

  • Notification: SlideUpOnHide now is obsolete, use the EasyLayout “Movement Animation” option instead

  • TreeNodes: added alwaysIncludeNested parameter to the Filter and FilterNodes method

  • Paginators: added the HideIfOnePage option - an active page will be hidden if Pages <= 1

Release 1.17.7

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: now BeginUpdate() method of IObservableList<T>, ObservableList<T>, and GroupedList<T> returns ListUpdater instead of void

  • Calendar: now the OutOfRangeDate option is properly used instead of the OtherMonth

  • Calendar: now the date is selectable

  • Dialog: added AutoFocus option - set focus to the last Selectable object in the Dialog

  • DragSupport: fixed bug with OnDestroy()

  • IObservableList<T>, ObservableList<T>, GroupedList<T>: now BeginUpdate() method returns disposable struct to automatically call EndUpdate() at the end of the block (“using var _ = DataSource.BeginUpdate();”);

  • Notifications: added FadeIn and FadeOut animations (requires CanvasGroup component)

  • ListView: fixed navigation for the ListViewEllipse type

  • Picker: added AutoFocus option - set focus to the last Selectable object in the Picker

  • Popup: added AutoFocus option - set focus to the last Selectable object in the Popup

  • Resizable: added the IncludeOuterRegion option to enable/disable resize outside of the target (disabling it restores behavior before v1.17.3)

  • Resizable: improved compatibility with other draggable components like ScrollRect

  • Resizable: ResizableRoot can be manually added to the parent object instead of the canvas

  • Resizable: ResizableRoot is no longer required if IncludeOuterRegion is disabled

  • TableHeader: fixed bug with destroyed cells

  • small optimizations and code improvements

  • UI Themes: “Remove All ThemeTargets” renamed to “Detach Theme”

  • UI Themes: “Remove ThemeTargets with Default Theme” renamed to “Detach Default Theme”

  • UI Themes: added “Attach to the Scene” button to the Theme editor, it will add/replace all themes in the active scene with the current one

  • Settings: auto-attach theme now is disabled by default

  • Widgets Generator: the created scene now uses a separate copy of the base theme

  • Widgets Generator: fixed duplication of foregrounds list in DefaultItem if all of them are null

Release 1.17.6

  • added SplitterMaxSize component to limit the maximum size of the Splitter targets (set value to 0 to disable)

  • added SliderScroll component for the Slider widget with ScrollMode option to change the value on the mouse scroll

  • CircularSlider: added ScrollMode option to change the value on the mouse scroll

  • CenteredSlider: added ScrollMode option to change the value on the mouse scroll

  • Drag: fixed the AutoScroll error

  • ObservableList: added UseStableSort option, enabled by default

  • ObservableList: added optional “bool stable” parameter to the Sort() methods

  • SnapGrid: fixed problem with the Canvas scale factor

  • small optimizations and code improvements

Release 1.17.5

  • AutoCombobox: added RequireSelectedItem option to enable/disable selection of the first item

  • Spinner: added ScrollMode option to change the value on the mouse scroll

  • TileView: fixed problem with Variable Size mode when the same item is added to the list multiple times

  • Widgets Generation: fixed script error with the “InstantiatePrefabs” property

Release 1.17.4

  • fixed problems during the first installation

  • added RectTransformCover: changes the RectTransform size (while preserving its ratio) to the smallest possible size to fill the parent, leaving no empty space

  • Combobox: fixed problem with LayoutGroup

  • DragSupport: removed FillRaycasts method and RaycastResults field

  • ListView: added StretchToMaxItemSize option to stretch ListView to fully display the largest item, works only with ListType = ListViewWithVariableSize

  • Project Settings: added “Use White Sprite” option to set sprite for the Image components without sprite, prevents rare bug when such Images are displayed as black

  • Resizable: fixed behavior when the cursor is over a hidden part

  • TableHeader: fixed the cell sizes jump when enabling column

Release 1.17.3

  • Assembly Definitions: improved support when reinstalling the package

  • Combobox: fixed problem with undesired focus on the toggle button

  • BorderEffect: BorderColor alpha is now properly supported

  • LinesDrawer, SnapGridDrawer: LineColor alpha is now properly supported

  • Resizable: added the StopAtParentBorders option to prevent resizing outside of the parent borders.

  • Resizable: now resize working if the cursor is outside of the target in ActiveRegion distance (previously only when it was inside)

  • UIThemes: fixed build error for Unity 2021.3 versions

Release 1.17.2

  • added Nodes.Filter() extension method

  • ColorHSV: added LerpHSVAlternative() method to lerp Hue using the shortest distance

  • ColorPickerDialog: value type changed from Color32 to Color

  • LayoutSwitcher: fixed Updater-related bug

  • Shaders: added lerpHSVAlternative() function to lerp Hue using the shortest distance

  • TreeView: fixed Editor error when opening ScrollSettings

  • Widgets Generator: the UpdateView() method of ListViewComponent is now virtual

Release 1.17.1

  • fixed Style.cs bug when installing the package the first time

  • added new Container prefabs: SlidersHorizontal, SlidersVertical, and TabsSliders

  • added SpinnerVector3

  • added ColorPickerDialog

  • added shader functions: RGBtoHSV(float4 colorRGB), RGBtoHSV(float3 colorRGB), HSVtoRGB3(float3 colorHSV), lerpHSV(float4 colorRGB0, float4 colorRGB1, float s), lerpHSV3(float3 colorRGB0, float3 colorRGB1, float s)

  • EasyLayout: fixed movement and resize animations

  • Combobox: now ListView position and size do not change with canvas resize

  • Combobox: improved gamepad and keyboard support

  • ListViewPaginator: now ListView can be changed in runtime and can be null

  • ListViewPaginator, ScrollRectPaginator: added SetSharedDefaultPages() and SetSharedSkipPages() methods

  • ScrollRectPaginator: now ScrollRect can be changed in runtime and can be null

  • Spinner: added ValueLimits option

Release 1.17.0

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: usages of ReadOnlyCollection<T> replaced with IReadOnlyList<T>

  • fixed bug when using TMPro Converter on objects with ThemeTarget component

  • added RounderCorners and RounderCornersX4 effects

  • added StableSort helper

  • TMPro Support: added DefaultFont option in Project Settings, used by TMPro Converter

  • UI Themes: added commands “Find Options” and “Find And Create Options” to use with existing ThemeTarget components

  • UI Themes: font size by default changed to 24

  • UI Themes: colorMultiplier by default changed to 1

  • UI Themes: commands “… Create Options” now set the current value for all variations if the option was created

Release 1.16.5

  • Unity 2023.2 support

  • fixed tooltip sprites

  • fixed Widgets Generator window error when all fields are deselected

  • ListViewItem: replaced Graphic[] with List<Graphic> field properties (GraphicsForeground -> Foregrounds; Foreground -> foregrounds; graphicsBackground -> backgrounds; GraphicsBackground -> Backgrounds; cellsGraphicsBackground -> cellsBackgrounds)

  • ListViewDropIndicator: fixed wrong position

  • UIThemes: fixed bug when properties controlled by the owner were changed by Theme

  • UIThemes: added Selectable.colorMultiplier support

  • UIThemes: added Text.fontSize support

Release 1.16.4

  • fixed assembly definitions error

  • UI Themes: fixed error caused by a missing folder in the package (since Unity does not include an empty folder in the package)

  • Paginator: added PageRounding option to determine how the current page is calculated

Release 1.16.3

  • Autocomplete: fixed missing ListView in some cases

  • Combobox: fixed the button position on the hierarchy (thanks to Antuan Johnson)

  • Notification: templates buttons now are properly hidden

  • Resizable: now correctly works with non-one scale

  • SelectableHelper and SelectableHelperList: added Interactable and WatchInteractable properties

Release 1.16.2

  • Different Draggable components: added DragButton option

Release 1.16.1

  • added ObservableListFilter

  • added prefabs for the default Unity widgets to use with the default theme

  • added “Editor / Widgets References.asset” to replace default prefabs (available only after any widget was created with context menu)

  • fixed error when replacing Unity Text with TMPro Text on the ThemeTarget component

  • Autocomplete: added OnShowOptions and OnHideOptions events, use them to change the position of the shared DisplayListView

  • ContextMenu: now shows actions count in the items editor

  • ContextMenu: now parent items are highlighted when the submenu is opened

  • ContextMenu: fixed position when open using the context menu key

  • ListViewString: fixed sort (thanks to RickSaada1)

  • ScrollRectPaginator: fixed bug with the wrong page count

  • UIThemes: added option to specify folder, and namespace for wrappers, and enable generate wrappers in Project Settings

  • UIThemes: ThemeTargets Search window: search is now performed on all opened scenes, not only active

  • UIThemes: ThemeTargets Search window: added search on all scenes and prefabs

  • UIThemes: ThemeTargets Search window: search results preserved after assembly reload

  • UIThemes: added context menu “Remove ThemeTargets with Default Theme”

  • UIThemes: added variations reorder

  • UIThemes: added Theme.IsActiveProperty(name) method to control available properties

  • UIThemes: white sprite can be marked with the “ui-themes-white-sprite” label

  • UIThemes: fixed options reordering when filter enabled

  • UIThemes: fixed variations delete

Release 1.16.0

  • now the oldest supported version is Unity 2020.3

  • Unity 2023.1 support

  • added UIThemes as a replacement to the legacy Styles (Styles can be enabled in “Project Settings / New UI Widgets”)

  • Assembly Definitions are automatically created (this behavior can be disabled in “Project Settings / New UI Widgets”)

  • added SelectableHelperList, an equivalent of SelectableHelper with multiple TargetGraphics

  • added a workaround to avoid the string comparison bug in WebGL

  • fixed Domain Reload support

  • added option to choose between creating widgets copies or prefabs from the menu

  • AutocompleteStringCombobox: fixed value selection bug

  • Combobox: now properly closed after clicking on the selected item

  • Connectors: added line arrows

  • Connectors: fixed bugs with Canvas Screen Space = Camera and canvas is rotated or have non-1 scale

  • Dialog, Picker, Popup, Notification, ModalHelper: fixed bug with cache containing destroyed game objects

  • EasyLayout: bug fixes

  • ListView: added OnItemSelected and OnItemDeselected events

  • ListView: added CreateTemplateSelector() method to replace TemplateSelector setter to support UI Themes

  • ListView: fixed events error

  • ListView: added notification if item type is not [Serializable]

  • ListView: added ColoringStriped, DefaultEvenBackgroundColor, DefaultOddBackgroundColor

  • Paginator: added VisiblePagesCount and SkipPage options

  • Paginator: now correctly updated when using the scrollbar

  • ScrollBlock: added Scroll(steps, AnimationCurve) method

  • Styles are now obsolete and replaced with UI Themes

  • Switch: fixed toggle animation

  • TimeScroller: added Scroll(TimeSpan, AnimationCurve) method

  • Tooltip: fixed bug when the tooltip was not hidden in some cases

Release 1.15.10

  • Unity 2022.2 support

  • domain reload support: fixed null reference exception

  • Autocomplete: now input with tags is correctly parsed

  • Combobox: now correctly updated when item properties changed

  • Combobox: position in hierarchy correctly restored after ListView closed

  • Combobox: fixed use ListView.Select()/Deselect() with raiseEvents = false

  • EasyLayout: fixed Grid layout bug

  • ListView: fixed GetComponentsEnumerator() return not all instances

  • ListView: minor fixes

  • ListViewPaginator: fixed LoopedList support

  • ResizableHandles: added HandlesState field to control handles visibility on select/deselect events

  • RotatableHandles: added HandleState field to control handles visibility on select/deselect events

  • TreeView: fixed ContainerMaxSize, now the size is correct if TreeView has collapsed nodes

Release 1.15.9

  • ListView: fixed undisplayed properties in the Inspector window

  • Rating: fixed Interactable does not work correctly when disabled

  • TreeView: added ContainerMaxSize option to prevent scrollbar blink caused by virtualization: the container will have the maximum width of all items. By default, the container has the maximum width of only visible items. Require ListType = List View with Variable Size.

Release 1.15.8

  • added Rating widget (Text can be replaced with an Image or any other Graphic component)

  • added async helpers scripts

  • DatePicker, PickerInt, PickerString, and custom PickerListView: added an optional OK button and Mode option to choose between “close on select” and “close on OK click”

  • Dialog, Notification, Picker, Popup: added OnBaseInstanceOpen and OnBaseInstanceClose static events

  • Dialog, Notification, Picker: added OnInstanceOpen and OnInstanceClose static events for the custom types

  • Popup: added ShowAsync() method to use with async/await

  • Styles: fixed missing font in some Unity versions

  • TileView: added LinearGroupedTileView example

  • TracksView: added Timeline

  • menu “New UI Widgets/Dialogs” renamed to “New UI Widgets/Dialogs Templates”

Release 1.15.7

  • added LoadAnimation widget

  • Dialog, Lightbox, Picker, Popup: added HideOnModalClick option

  • added workaround to avoid ReSharper RRSRP-489023 bug

  • Combobox: fixed bug when items were removed but still displayed as selected

  • ListView: added ChangeLayoutType option: if enabled changes EasyLayout.LayoutType to match ListType.

  • ListView, TreeView: now the deselect events invoked for the removed indices/nodes

Release 1.15.6

  • now the oldest supported version is Unity 2018.4

  • added Grayscale effect

  • added LocalizationSupport option to disable translation for widgets with localization support

  • added LimitMaxSize script to limit size when using anchors stretch

  • added ProgressbarCircular prefab and menu option

  • added SafeArea script to resize RectTransform to fit the safe area

  • added Swipe script

  • Dialog, Notification, Picker: added ShowAsync() method to use with async/await

  • Dialog, Notification, Picker: added IsDestroyed property to check if is instance destroyed

  • Dialog, Notification, Picker: now destroying instances will raise cancel or hide events

  • Effects (derived from UVEffect): improved filled image type support

  • Calendar: add OtherMonthWeekend and OutOfRangeDate colors to the Date component

  • ContextMenu: fixed bug occurring with opened “ContextMenu Items Editor” window in play mode

  • ListView, TreeView: fixed incorrect drop indicator position in some cases

  • ListView: added GetInstanceSize(), SetInstanceSize(), ResetInstanceSize() methods to animate items resize without problems with virtualization

  • ListView: fixed wrong drop position and indicator if enabled CenterTheItems

  • Ring Effect: added Fill option

  • TreeView Drop Support: added AutoDropPosition and DropPosition options

  • TreeView: added AllowToggle option

  • TreeView: added TreeViewToggleAnimation script to animate node toggle

  • Widgets Generator: fixed bug with “const” fields

  • Widgets Generator: now you can select the fields that will be used in the widgets, including the field for the autocomplete; it also can be done with [GeneratorIgnore] and [GeneratorAutocomplete] attributes

Release 1.15.5

  • improved Unity 2021.3 LTS support

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: ListView: methods ComponentCreated, ComponentDestroyed, ComponentActivated, ComponentCached changed to public

  • ListView: added SetSharedTemplates() method

  • Widgets Generation: fixed bug when data type has a parameterless constructor

Release 1.15.4

  • added ScrollRectDragSensitivity

  • added UtilitiesScrollRect: get time for ScrollRect stop by inertia

  • ListView: added ReversedOrder option (items displayed from end to start)

  • ListView: added OnlyOneHighlighted option

  • ScrollRectHeader, ScrollRectFooter: added Visible option to show and hide header (or footer)

  • ScrollRectHeader, ScrollRectFooter: added layout support if DisplayType is Reveal

  • ScrollRectFooter: added ChangeLayout option

  • ScrollRectPaginator: added RoundingError option to avoid excess last page

  • Switch: added AnimationCurve option

  • Widgets Generation: fixed enum related bug

  • Widgets Generation: improved support of latest Unity versions (2022.1.0+)

  • Style: fixed “Create Style” bug

Release 1.15.3

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: LateUpdateAdd and LateUpdateRemove methods of IUpdaterProxy renamed to AddLateUpdate and RemoveLateUpdate, added RemoveRunOnce and RemoveRunOnceNextFrame methods

  • ContextMenu: added helper script OpenContextMenu to open the menu by clicking on non-UI gameobject, requires PhysicsRaycaster and/or PhysicsRaycaster2D on the main camera

  • DateTimeScroller and DateScroller: fixed AMPM change on hours scroll if IndependentScroll enabled

  • EasyLayout: added optional movement and resize animation support; warning: can decrease performance

  • Effects: RingEffect, RippleEffect, LinesDrawer, SnapGridDrawer no more requires enabled TexCoord1 channel on Canvas

  • ListView: fixed item instance visibility if ListViewItem.DisableRecycling enabled

  • ListView: added OnNavigate event; called after navigating to the other item instance with keyboard or gamepad

  • ListView: added ItemsEvents.MovedToCache event

  • ListView: FixHighlightItemUnderPointer option now obsolete

  • ListView: added KeepHighlight option to keep item highlight on pointer enter until will be selected another gameobject

  • ListView: fixed wrong events processing order in some cases

  • ListViewItem: added StopSelectableAnimations() method to ListViewItem class

  • Notification: added OpenedNotifications, AllNotifications and InactiveNotifications properties

  • Picker: added OpenedPickers, AllPickers, and InactivePickers properties

  • Spinner: fixed bug with Unity Text and OnKeyDown validation

  • Tabs: added EventSystemSelectActiveHeader option

  • Tabs: added ImmediateSelect option

  • Tabs: added NextTab() and PreviousTab() methods

  • TimeScroller: added SingleAMPM property to disable multiple AM PM options in scroll block

  • TreeNode: added HasNodes and HasVisibleNodes properties

  • TreeView: added ToggleOnNavigate option, if enabled expand node on move right event and collapse node on move left event

  • TreeView: added ToggleOnSubmitCancel option, if enabled expand node on submit event and collapse node on cancel event

Release 1.15.2

  • added Updater static class to control scripts updates IUpdatable.RunUpdate() without reflection instead of the default MonoBehaviour.Update()

  • added SnapGrid: sticks draggable or resizable UI game objects to the nearest grid lines

  • added LinesDrawer and SnapGridDrawer effects

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: MonoBehaviour.Update() replaced with IUpdatable.RunUpdate()

  • Autocomplete: added AllowCancelOnDeselect to cancel DisplayListView close on deselect event.

  • Autocomplete: added OnSearchCompleted event

  • Autocomplete: added ResetListViewSelection option

  • AutoCombobox: fixed InputField display bug

  • AutoCombobox: fixed coloring bug

  • AutoCombobox: added KeepSelection option (set Autocomplete.DisplayListView selected items)

  • Connectors: fixed incorrect positions when CanvasMode is WorldSpace and its scale is not 1

  • Dialog: added ButtonsContainer option

  • ListView: fixed bug with incorrect item sizes when using variable size type

  • ListView: fixed highlighting bug

  • ListView: fixed wrong background color for the last items in table mode

  • ListView: added RangeMode property to determine which element is the start when selecting a range with the Shift key.

  • ListView: fixed instance recycling if ListViewItem.IsDragged enabled

  • ListViewItem: IsDragged renamed to DisableRecycling

  • ListViewString: now sort can be disabled with EnableSort in the Inspector window

  • Notification: added ButtonsContainer option

  • Paginator: added SetPage method to change current page without animation

  • Sidebar: added ModalColor field

  • shaders: now should support stereo instanced rendering and SRP batcher (thanks to David Watt)

  • Tooltip: added generic Tooltip

  • TreeView: added FindNodes method

  • Widgets Generation: added Tooltip generation

Release 1.15.1

  • COMPATIBILITY-BREAKING CHANGES: cursors fields at components (Resizable, Rotatable, Splitter, TableHeader, *DragSupport) are no more used and replaced with Cursors asset and CursorsDPISelector component (recommended to have only one CursorsDPISelector component at the scene)

  • Accordion: added Curve property to use in animations

  • ContextMenu: fixed HotKey null bug

  • ListView: added OnComponentCreated, OnComponentEnabled, OnComponentDisabled, OnComponentDestroyed events

  • ListView: renamed StopScrollAtItemCenter to ScrollInertiaUntilItemCenter and StopScrollInertia to ScrollInertia

  • TreeView: fixed node remove bug when different nodes using the same item

  • TreeView: fixed multiple selection bug when selecting a collapsed node

  • TreeViewNodeDropSupport: added “Expand Node On Hold” option with customizable delay

  • UICursors: static methods replaced to fields so they can be replaced

Release 1.15.0

  • added ListViewEnum with ListViewEnum<T> wrapper to work with any enums

  • reduced memory allocations

  • all classes with INotifyPropertyChanged support now also implements IObservable which works without memory allocations

  • Autocomplete, Combobox: added field ParentCanvas, it used as ListView parent on open

  • Combobox: toggle-button is now full width

  • ContextMenu: now works correctly with all canvas render modes

  • DateScroller/DateTimeScroller/TimeScroller: ScrollBlock replaced with ScrollBlockBase

  • Dialog: added InactiveDialogs and AllDialogs properties to get access to the template instances

  • Dialog: DialogButton now support callback with Func<DialogBase dialog, int buttonIndex, bool closeDialog> type

  • EasyLayout: small improvements

  • EasyLayout: Filter property is obsolete and replaced with ShouldIgnore

  • Input System support: fixed bug on mobile devices

  • ListView: added property TemplateSelector, its allow to use of different templates (not only DefaultItem) depending on the item

  • ListView: added GetDebugInfo and PringDebugInfo methods

  • ListView: added “AnimationCurve animation, bool unscaledTime, Action after = null” parameters to the ScrollTo*Animated methods

  • ListView: StopScrollAtItemCenter and StopScrollInertia properties

  • ListView: fixed problem with not displayed items for ListType with variable sizes

  • ListView: added GetComponentsEnumerator to iterate through DefaultItems instances as allocation free replacement of the ForEachComponent method

  • ListView: added support of Container with custom scale

  • ListView: fixed AutoScroll bug

  • Notification: NotificationButton now support callback with Func<NotificationBase notification, int buttonIndex, bool closeNotification> type

  • Paginators: added OnMovement event

  • Popup: added content and onClose parameters to the Show method, added SetContent() method, added OnClose field, works the same way as dialog

  • Resizable: added UseCanvasScaler option, if enabled ActiveRegion will be changed according to the CanvasScaler settings

  • ScrollBlock: added OnItemChanged event to customize items depending on index and value

  • ScrollBlock: added ScrollBlockBase and ScrollBlockCustom<T> classes

  • TracksViewBase: ScrollBlock replaced with ScrollBlockBase

  • TreeView: fixed drop support bug

  • TreeView prefabs: toggle arrow is now nested

  • UICursor: added Replacement function to replace cursor (can be used to replace cursor on High DPI screens)

  • Utilities: more functions moved to the new UtilitiesUI and UtilitiesRectTransform classes

Release 1.14.2

  • added CircularSlider widget

  • added SliderScale widget

  • added TimeAnalog widget

  • Accordion: added OnStartToggleAnimation and OnDataSourceChanged events

  • Accordion: added AccordionHighlight component

  • AutoComplete: added OnItemNotFound and OnCancelInput events

  • AutoCombobox: added AddItems option (requires overrided Input2Item method)

  • CenteredSlider: event OnValuesChange renamed to OnValueChanged

  • Connectors: fixed bug related to “Scale With Screen Size”

  • Connectors: added rectangular lines support

  • Cursor: fixed flickering

  • DatePicker and DateTimePicker: fixed initial date

  • DirectoryTreeView: nested nodes are automatically loaded on expand from script

  • DirectoryTreeView: added ExpandPath(), Path2Node(), Path2NearestNode(), RefreshDirectories() methods

  • ListView: fixed highlight coloring on navigation

  • ListView: fixed unstoppable auto scroll bug

  • ListView Drop Support: added ReceiveOnlyEmptyNode option

  • RangeSlider: event OnValuesChange renamed to OnValuesChanged

  • Resizable: fixed position change

  • ScrollBlock: added AllowIncrease and AllowDecrease fields

  • Spinner: added SetValue() method to change value without OnChangeEvent invocation

  • Styles: fixed error when creating a new style

  • Styles: added PixelsPerUnitMultiplier property to the Image styles

  • TreeGraph: small performance improvement

  • TreeGraph: added LineThickness, LineType, LineMargin options

  • TreeView: added ScrollWithIndent option

  • Widgets Generation: improved localization support

Release 1.14.1

  • EasyLayout: reduced memory allocations

  • Widgets Generation: fixed type name error

  • Widgets Generation: fixed missing reference

Release 1.14.0

  • added localizations integration support

  • added I2 Localization support

  • added ContextMenu

  • added Input System support

  • added UtilitiesCompare class

  • added ScrollRectFooter

  • added AutoComboboxIcons prefab

  • Dialog, Picker, Popup: added CloseButton property

  • EasyLayout: added SetPreferredAndFitContainer option for the Children Size

  • ListView: added Header property

  • ListViewPaginator: added LoopedList support

  • Notification: added “content” and “onReturn” parameters to the Show() method

  • Style: fixed unchangeable settings after “Apply Fast Settings” use

  • Style: added “Update Default Style” option, which is opposite of the “Apply Default Style”, it gets style settings from widgets and saves them to the current style

  • Tabs: added CanSelectTab field to check if tab can be selected with a button click

  • TabsCustom: TabButton class changed to the generic class TabButton<T>

  • Widgets Generation: generated classes are partial now

  • Widgets Generation: added AutoCombobox widget

  • Utilities: most functions moved to the new Utilities* classes

Release 1.12.6

  • ListViewItem: added ToggleOnClick and ToggleOnSubmit fields

  • Widgets Generation fixes

Release 1.12.5

  • added UIFlareGlobal shader: flare at global space

  • added Ripple effect

  • UIWidgets extensions methods moved to UIWidgets.Extensions namespace

  • EasyLayout extensions methods moved to EasyLayoutNS.Extensions namespace

  • shaders: replaced properties names with properties IDs

  • Dialog: Show() arguments can later be changed with other methods: SetInfo(), SetButtons(), FocusButton(), SetPosition(), SetContent(), SetCanvas(), SetModal().

  • EasyLayout: added GetElementPosition to get position in group

  • InputFieldExtended: fixed bug with Value property (thanks to RickSaada1)

  • ListView: added ItemsEvents field

  • ListViewItem: now foreground and background graphics are serialized properties

  • Notify: added buttons support with SetButtons(IList<DialogButton> buttons) method

  • ProgressbarIndeterminate: fixed bar jump at the start

  • TableHeader: fixed bug with ColumnToggle (thanks to jbw)

  • UIFlare shaders: added flare delay property

Release 1.12.4

  • Unity 4.6+ and Unity 5.x no more supported, now the oldest supported version is 2017.4

  • fixed SendMessage warnings in Unity 2019.3 and later versions

  • assembly definitions removed because all changes in .asmdef files are deleted on package update

  • ListView: DefaultItem no more disabled by default in Editor mode

  • ListViewDragSupport: added auto-scroll when the drag is near the border

  • Notify: now you can create derived classes with NotificationCustom<T>

  • TreeView Drag&Drop: now nodes can be reordered

Release 1.12.3

  • added Pinchable component: drag, rotate, resize multi-touch support

  • added ListViewAutoResize component: auto-resize ListView or TileView according to items counts until specified maximum size reached

  • [Serializable] attribute of TreeNode<TItem> class not available for Unity 2020.1 and later versions

  • ListView: added DisableScrollRect property to disable ScrollRect if ListView is not Interactable

  • ListView and TreeView Drag&Drop: added Interactable support

Release 1.12.2

  • added DistanceLines component

  • added UI Cursor settings component

  • Dialog: fixed buttons order

  • DirectoryTreeView: fixed drives list

  • ListViewPaginator, ScrollRectPaginator: fixed LastPageFullSize option

  • ListView: now resize of disabled ListView processed correctly

Release 1.12.1

  • added converter from Unity Text to TextMeshPro text

  • added IUpgradeable interface to improve compatibility between versions

  • added Groupable component

  • added UIFlareTransparent shader

  • added ResizableHandles component

  • added Rotatable component

  • added RotatableHandle component

  • deleted a lot of lambda functions

  • other lambda functions replaced with local functions

  • renamed classes *Utilites to *Utilities

  • improved performance with Asset Pipeline V2

  • Combobox: fixed navigation support

  • Draggable: added Target property to drag the specified target instead of self

  • DragSupport: added AllowDrag field

  • DropSupport: added ReceiveItems and ReceiveNodes fields for the base classes

  • ListView: not selectable items are no more highlighted and navigated

  • ListViewPaginator, ScrollRectPaginator: added LastPageFullSize option to change the last page size to full-page size

  • Resizable: AllowResize renamed to Interactable

  • Resizable: added resize type to change between size and scale

  • Resizable: added Target property to resize the specified target instead of self

  • ScrollRectEvents: RequiredMovement replaced with Thresholds to support separate thresholds for each pull direction

  • Splitter: AllowResize renamed to Interactable

  • Widgets Generation: added option to manually specify the type name if the type cannot be detected from the MonoScript

Release 1.11.2

  • added TracksView to create custom schedule or time-line widgets

  • added InputFieldAdapter to improve TextMesh Pro support

  • added ListComponentPool

  • added SplitButton

  • Dialog: added RectTransform content and Action onClose parameters to Show(…) method

  • Dialog: added OpenedDialogs property to get list of the opened dialog

  • Dialog: DefaultButton replaced with ButtonsTemplates and DialogActions now has option to specify button index for the button template

  • Dialog: type of the “buttons” parameter in the Show() method changed to IList<DialogButton>

  • Dialog: added “Func<int, bool> onCancel” parameter to the Show() method, called with -1 parameter when dialog closed with top right close button

  • DragListener: OnDragListener renamed to DragListener

  • DragSupport: added optional DragHandle property, you can use it drag ListView items by specified handle instead of the whole item

  • DragSupport: added StartDragEvent and EndDragEvent

  • EasyLayout: added ElementsRotate and ElementsRotationStart for Ellipse layout

  • ListView: improved navigation support

  • ListView: added optional parameter minVisiblePart to IsVisible() method

  • ListView: replaced old ListView with ListViewString

  • ListView: added Virtualization setting to disable Virtualization

  • ListViewDropSupport: added DropPosition parameter

  • ListViewPaginator: now use ListView.ScrollToAnimatedPosition instead of the own animation

  • Notify: fixed incorrect size and rotation of next notification if previous notification was closed during hide animation

  • Resizable: added AllowResize property to enable/disable resize without removing component

  • ScrollBlock: SetText() renamed to UpdateView()

  • ScrollRectPaginator: ForceScrollOnPage replaced with ForcedPosition to support different positions

Release 1.11.1

  • added AutocompleteCombobox

  • ListView: fixed scrolling bug with variable size list types

  • Notify: renamed AnimationRotate to AnimationRotateVertical, AnimationCollapse to AnimationCollapseVertical

  • Notify: added animations AnimationRotateHorizontal, AnimationCollapseHorizontal, AnimationSlideRight, AnimationSlideLeft, AnimationSlideUp, AnimationSlideDown

  • Notify: added configurable animations AnimationRotateBase, AnimationCollapseBase, AnimationSlideBase

  • Resizable: added OnResize event

  • Splitter: added OnResize event

  • Tabs: added SelectedTabIndex property

Release 1.11.0

  • added ScrollRectHeader (example of usage in Examples/ListView/ListViewHeader scene)

  • added EasyLayoutEllipseScroll

  • Combobox: added OnShowListView and OnHideListView events

  • EasyLayout: added new layout type Ellipse

  • EasyLayout: added new option ResetRotation

  • ListView: added DestroyDefaultItemsCache, if enabled instances of the previous DefaultItem will be destroyed when replacing DefaultItem

  • ListView: added new ListViewEllipse list type

  • Scroller: renamed to ScrollBlock

Release 1.10.4

  • added DateScroller, DateTimeScroller, DateTimeScrollerSeparate, TimeScroller widgets

  • added EditorCondition attributes to use with MonoBehaviourConditional and UIBehaviourConditional

  • added LayoutElementMax: allow to control the maximum preferred sizes of the LayoutGroup

  • added UIFlare shader

  • Combobox: added HideAfterItemToggle option

  • DateTime: fixed init and time errors

  • DatePicker: added DateChangeOnly option to allow to select date on change or on click

  • EasyLayout: fixed FitContainer

  • ListView: added null value support for the GraphicsForeground and GraphicsBackground properties

  • ListView: added AllowColoring option

  • ListView: added StateDefault(), StateSelected() and StateHighlighted() functions to the base default item class as addition to coloring functions

  • ListView: added loading example with UIFlare shader use

Release 1.10.3

  • added GroupedTileView example

  • DragRedirect: improved support for the multiple redirects

  • GroupedList: added ItemsPerBlock, EmptyGroupItem, EmptyItem properties for the TileView support

  • EasyLayout: added Flex layout type

  • EasyLayout: added Staggered layout type

  • EasyLayout: renamed Stacking to MainAxis

  • ListView: HighlightedBackgroundColor and HighlightedColor now applied automatically after changed

  • ListView: fixed scrolling when List Type is fixed, ListScrollValue enabled and DefaultItem have Layout Group

  • ListView: fixed rare bug for the ListView with items of the variable sizes.

  • ListView: added missing fields in the Inspector window for the simple ListView

  • ListView: added TileViewStaggered renderer

  • ScrollRectPaginator: fixed displayed buttons at the start

  • Style: fixed error when style created not in the folder or outside Assets folder

  • TextMesh Pro support: improved support for the Unity 2019.1

  • Tooltip: fixed displayed tooltip after parent gameobject was disabled (thanks to Gladyon)

  • Widget Generation: fixed bug when type has only one field of the supported types

Release 1.10.2

  • added ScrollbarMinSize component - allow set minimum size of the scrollbar handle

  • added DragOneDirection component - it changes drag event to work only with one direction

  • added LayoutDropIndicator component to use with TableHeader

  • added Project Settings support for Unity 2018.3 and later

  • Accordion: fixed problems when content size changed

  • Accordion: added ForceOpen() and ForceClose() functions to open and close items without animation

  • Accordion: added fields AnimationOpen, AnimationOpenFlexible, AnimationClose, AnimationCloseFlexible to change animations

  • AudioPlayer: added setter for Source property

  • LayoutSwitcher: added LayoutSelector field to control layout selection

  • ListView: added CanSelect(index) and CanDeselect(index) fields

  • ListView: added PrecalculateItemSizes, disabling this option increase performance with huge lists of items with variable sizes

  • ListView: fixed LimitScrollValue when scroll to end

  • ListView: fixed error when drag-and-drop position after the last item

  • ObservableList: added INofityPropertyChanged implementation

  • ObservableList: added ObserveItems field

  • ObservableList: now allowed null items

  • RangeSlider: now correctly works when enabled or disabled inside layout groups

  • ResizableHeader: renamed to TableHeader with related class

  • TableHeader: no more required IResizableItem implementation for the ListView.DefaultItem

  • TableHeader: added GetColumnsOrder() and SetColumnsOrder() functions

  • TableHeader: added DropIndicator support

  • Sidebar: added prefab and styles support

  • Spinner: now use InputField component instead of the inheritance

  • Spinner: added TextMesh Pro support

  • Switch: SetStatus() now does not invocate events for other Switches in the same group

  • TextMesh Pro support: widgets created with default menu “UI / New UI Widgets / …” if support enabled

  • TextMesh Pro support: removed menu “UI / UIWidgets with TextMesh Pro / …”

  • TextMesh Pro support: added menu “Edit / Project / Settings / New UI Widgets / Import TextMesh Pro support package” to import TMPro prefabs after update to new version

  • Widget Generation: added ScriptableObject support

  • Widget Generation: added Data Bind support

  • Other: fixes related using instantiate with inited complicated widgets

  • Other: “UIWidgets” in the menu replaced with “New UI Widgets” to match with the package name

  • Other: Time used with animations can be controlled with Utilities.GetTime field (You can use own Time manager instead of the default Time.time)

Release 1.10.1

  • ListView: added ScrollTo(item) and ScrollToAnimated(item) functions

  • Paginator: added StopAnimation() function

  • ListViewPaginator: fixed direction problem

  • TreeView: added ScrollTo(node) and ScrollToAnimated(node) functions

  • TreeView: added FindNode() function

  • TreeView: now ScrollTo(..) and ScrollToAnimated(…) correctly work with node indentation

  • Widget Generation: added interface types support

  • Widget Generation: fixed property support

Release 1.10.0

  • Added styles support (Styles folder, new styles can be created from context menu “Create / UIWidget - Style”)

  • Added widget generation (context menu “Create / UIWidget - Widgets” on file with item class definition)

  • Added DateTime, Time24 and Time12 widgets

  • Added DateTimePicker and TimePicker widgets

  • Added ColorPickerRangeHSV widget

  • Added ColorsList widget to display list of the selected colors, should be used with ColorPicker or ColorPickerRange.

  • Added “Data Bind for Unity” support (requires Unity 5.6 or later)

  • Added base ListView Picker class for the custom ListView

  • Added base TreeView Picker class for the custom TreeView

  • Added base drop support class for the custom TreeView

  • Added base drop support class for the custom TreeView node

  • Added assembly definitions

  • Improvement: Drag can be canceled with Cancel button

  • Accordion: added AllItemsCanBeClosed option

  • Autocomplete: added GetInputFieldText() function

  • Calendar: added DateMin and DateMax properties

  • Calendar: added currentDateAsDefault option

  • ColorPicker: added Hex block

  • ColorPicker: added new palette mode HSVCircle

  • ColorPickerRange: DefaultShader replaced with DefaultShaderHorizontal and DefaultShaderVertical

  • Connectors: now works correctly with “Screen Space - Camera”

  • EasyLayout: reduced memory allocations

  • EasyLayout: EasyLayout namespace renamed to EasyLayoutNS to avoid problems with Unity 2018.2 and later

  • Interfaces: IItemWidth, IItemHeight, IListViewItemHeight, IListViewItemWidth not used anymore

  • ListView: added CenterTheItems property

  • ListView: added overridable functions CanBeSelected() and CanBeDeselected()

  • ListView: added LoopedList option

  • ListView: added Interactable option

  • ListView: added IsTable option (required to valid stylization)

  • ListView and TileView: ListViewCustomWidth, ListViewCustomHeight, TileViewCustom and TileViewCustomSize replaced with ListViewCustom with List Type option

  • ListViewCustomWidth: TItem now does not require IItemWidth implementation

  • ListViewCustomHeight: TItem now does not require IItemHeight implementation

  • ListViewDropIndicator: added styles support

  • ResizableHeader: fixed resize on touch devices

  • Sidebar: added OnOpeningStarted and OnClosingStarted, called when appropriated animation started

  • other: prefabs in “Sample Assets” folder replaced with scenes

  • other: “Standart Assets” folder renamed to “Scripts”

  • other: “Sample Assets” folder renamed to “Examples”

  • other: removed ListViewGameObjects prefab

  • other: removed outdated prefabs and sprites

  • other: namespace “UIWidgetsSamples” renamed to “UIWidget.Examples”

Release 1.9.3

  • Accordion: now works with content with dynamically change size

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added GetItemPositionMiddle()

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added ScrollToPosition()

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added ScrollToPositionAnimated()

  • ResizableHeader: added ColumnEnable, ColumnDisable and ColumnToggle

  • ResizableHeader: fixed problem with adding columns

  • ResizableHeader: improvements

Release 1.9.2

  • added TreeViewCustomNodeDragSupport

  • added ScrollButtons

  • Autocomplete: fixed problem with resizing

  • Autocomplete: added SearchDelay and MinLength options

  • ColorPicker: fixed incorrect display in linear colorspace

  • ColorPicker: now click on palette or image will change color

  • Draggable: added Horizontal and Vertical options

  • Draggable: added Restriction option

  • ListViewCustomDragSupport: added DeleteAfterDrop parameter

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added SetContentSizeFitter parameter

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added Navigation parameter

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added IsVisible() function to check if item is visible

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: added animated scrolling to items - ScrollToTime() and ScrollToSpeed()

  • ListView’s, TileView’s, TreeView’s: Multiple renamed to MultipleSelect

  • RangeSlider: added RangeSliderType; it’s allow or disable handles overlay

  • Resizable: fixed error with allowed directions

  • Sidebar: added new animation type ScaleDownAndPush

  • Spinner: fixed input parsing problem

  • Splitter: added Mode option, so you can specify left and right targers, instead using previous and next siblings in hierarchy

  • TreeView: added serialization support with TreeNode<T>.Serialize() and TreeNode<T>.Deserialize()

  • TreeView: fixed error when deleting selected node with disabled DeselectCollapsedNodes

  • TreeView: added ExpandParentNodes() and CollapseParentNodes() functions

  • TreeView’s DefaultItem: Filler renamed to Indentation

  • Dialog, Notify, Picker, Popup: Template() renamed to Clone()

Release 1.9.1

  • Fixed CenteredSlider

  • Fixed missing links in prefabs

  • Fixed demo scene

Release 1.9.0

  • Added AudioPlayer

  • Added Calendar

  • Added DatePicker

  • Added DirectoryTreeView

  • Added FileDialog

  • Added FileListView

  • Added FolderDialog

  • Added PickerBool (can be used as Confirmation dialog with Yes/No/Cancel options)

  • Accordion: added ResizeMethod property

  • Accordion: protected Items property replaced with public DataSource property with type ObservableList<T>

  • Accordion: added DisableClosed option

  • ColorPicker: added Image palette, you can use it to get colors from custom Texture2D. The texture must have the Read/Write Enabled flag set in the import settings, otherwise this function will fail.

  • ColorPicker: fixed bug with wrong axes with Hue palette

  • Drag&Drop: added generic classes ListViewCustomDragSupport and ListViewCustomDropSupport, using them to add Drap&Drop functionality for own ListView’s become more easily. Check ListViewIconsDragSupport and ListViewIconsDropSupport as reference (ignore TreeNode region).

  • EasyLayout: fixed “dirty” scene bug when using FitContainer or ShrinkOnOverflow

  • ListView’s: DataSource can be safely used from other threads

  • ListView’s: added GroupedListView sample

  • ListView’s: added .Select(int index, bool raiseEvents) function, you can use it to select items without raising events

  • ListView’s: added Owner field to ListViewItem (base class for any DefaultItem), it contains link to parent ListView

  • ListView’s: you can implement IViewData<T> to DefaultItem component class to avoid overriding ListView.SetData() function

  • ListView’s: added virtual properties Graphic[] GraphicsForeground and Graphic[] GraphicsBackground to ListViewItem, you can them to specify grapgics for coloring, instead overriding coloring functions

  • Resizable: mark events as used

  • SlideBlock renamed to Sidebar

  • Sidebar: added new animation types Overlay (default), Push, Uncover, ScaleDown, SlideAlong, SlideOut, Resize

  • Sidebar: added AnimateWithLayout option for Resize animation, use it if you need more than one Sidebar with Resize on same Content object

  • Spinner: added AllowHold option, so you can disable increasing/decreasing value during pointer hold

  • Switch: added .SetStatus(bool value), you can change state without raising corresponding events

  • TileView’s: added TileViewCustomSize

  • Tooltip: added UnscaledTime option

  • TreeNode: added RootNode property, used to check if nodes belong to same tree

  • TreeView’s and TreeNode: Nodes type change from IObservableList<TreeNode<TItem>> to ObservableList<TreeNode<TItem>>

  • TreeView: added SelectedNodes property

  • TreeView: added DeselectCollapsedNodes property, enabled by default

  • TreeView: added .Node2Index(TreeNode<TItem> node) function

  • TreeView: added .SelectNode(TreeNode<TItem> node) and .SelectNodeWithSubnodes(TreeNode<TItem> node) functions

  • TreeViewDataSource: fixed incorrect branch bug (thanks to Heiko Berres)

  • ProgressBar: added SpeedType option

Release 1.8.5

  • IInputFieldProxy: properties onValueChange, onValueChanged, onEndEdit type changed to UnityEvent<string> and get only.

  • ListView: now is possible change DefaultItem in runtime

  • ListViewItem: now works without ImageAdvanced

  • SlideBlock: added Modal property, if enabled SlideBlock will be closed on click outside SlideBlock

  • Tabs: added EnableTab and DisableTab functions

Release 1.8.4

  • Added ColorPickerRange - allow selecting color from a range of two colors.

  • Fixed Combobox bug.

Release 1.8.3

  • Added SelectableHelper - allow controlling additional Graphic component according to selection state of current gameobject. So you can control button background color with Button component and Button text color with SelectableHelper

  • Added ListViewInt

  • Added Picker - base class for creating own pickers

  • Added PickerInt, PickerString, PickerIcons

  • Added LayoutSwitcher

  • SpinnerFloat - added property Culture, specified how the number will be displayed and how input will be parsed

  • SpinnerFloat - added field DecimalSeparators, along with decimal separator within Culture determine valid decimal separators for input (Warning: incompatible types with different Unity versions - Unity 4.x use string[] and Unity 5.x use char[])

  • Spinner, SpinnerFloat - fixed overflow exception

  • Resizable - added corners directions for resize

  • ListView’s - added FadeDuration for colors change

Release 1.8.2

  • EasyLayout - added Shrink on Overflow option

  • EasyLayout - added CompactConstraint and CompactConstraintCount options

  • Splitter - fixed problem with using more than one splitter with the same container

  • Tabs - added prefab for left side Tabs

  • Added ScrollRectRestictedDrag

  • TextMeshPro support available with separate unitypackage

  • Beta: Added Connectors. Add SingleConnector or MultipleConnector to empty gameobject

Release 1.8.0

  • Added ScrollRectPaginator

  • Added ListViewPaginator

  • Added Autocomplete

  • Added Popup

  • TreeView: added TreeViewDataSource component with nodes editor

  • ListView’s: added ScrollTo()

  • EasyLayout: reduced memory allocation

  • EasyLayout: added row/column constraint for Grid layout

  • Tabs: added DefaultTabName property

  • TreeNode: added Path property - return list of parent nodes

  • TreeViewComponent: added OnNodeExpand property with Rotate (rotate toggle) and ChangeSprite (change toggle sprite) values

  • Notify and Dialog: added Template() method, now you can use notifyPrefab.Template().Show(…) instead Notify.Template(“template name”).Show(…)

  • CenteredSlider: added ValueMin, ValueMax and UseValueLimits. If UseValueLimits enabled then ValueMin <= Value <= ValueMax

  • Tabs: added TabButtonComponent, use derived class with overridden SetButtonData() to control how tab name will be displayed. For TabsIcons you can use TabIconButton.

  • Dialog: added DialogButtonComponent, use derived class with overridden SetButtonName() to control how button name will be displayed.

  • Dialog: added DialogInfoBase, use derived class with overridden SetInfo() to control how info will be displayed.

  • ListView’s, TileView: added DropIndicator for Drag-and-Drop

  • TileView: added TileViewScrollRectFitter, ScrollRect will be resized to display whole number of items.

Release 1.7.4

  • Added Switch

  • Resizable: added KeepAspectRatio property

  • Tabs: added SelectedTab property

  • Tabs: added OnTabSelect event

  • Known problems: Accordion with EasyLayout and Canvas.PixelPerfect enabled in Unity 5.3 cause error “Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for) {ObjectName} (UnityEngine.RectTransform) for layout rebuild while we are already inside a layout rebuild loop. This is not supported.” in some cases. Workaround - use Vertical or Horizontal Layout Group instead EasyLayout.

Release 1.7.2

  • Fixed errors in WinStore builds.

  • IDropSupport: added DropCanceled method.

  • DragSupport: added DragPoint property (empty gameobject on cursor/touch position), you can use it to attach custom gameobject with information about draggable object.

  • ListViewIconsDragSupport, TreeViewNodeDragSupport: show information about draggable object.

  • Tabs: added Tabs with icons.

Release 1.7.0

  • Added Drag and Drop support.

  • ComboboxCustom and ComboboxIcons: Added Multiselect support.

  • ResizableHeader: Added drag column support.

  • TreeViewItem: Added Tag property.

  • SlideBlock: Optional support for children ScrollRect.

  • Accordion: Added Direction.

  • Accordion: Added support Horizontal Layout Group and Vertical Layout Group (Content Objects should have LayoutElement component).

  • ListViews: Added limited support Horizontal Layout Group and Vertical Layout Group (you cannot change ListView direction in runtime).

  • ObservableList: Added events OnCollectionChange (raised when items added, removed or replaced) and OnCollectionItemChange (raised when item in collection raise OnChange or PropertyChanged events).

  • ObservableList: Added Comparison, ResortOnCollectionChanged, ResortOnCollectionItemChanged properties.

  • TreeNode: Added Parent property. Now you can remove node from tree using Node.Parent = null or move node to another subtree Node.Parent = AnotherNode.

Release 1.6.5

  • Added Resizable.

  • Added Splitter.

  • Added SlideBlock.

  • Added ScrollRectEvents component with PullUp, PullDown, PullLeft, PullRight events (use it for refresh or load more options).

  • ListViewCustom: Removed properties SelectedComponent and SelectedComponents.

  • ObservableList: Now you can disable items observe in constructor.

  • ListViewItem: Added MovedToCache function, called when item moved to cache, you can use it to free used resources.

  • Added Table sample (ListViewCustom + ResizableHeader + Tooltip).

  • TileView sample - added Resizable for TileView and TileViewItems and toggle direction.

  • Bug fixes.

  • Optimization.

Release 1.6.0

  • ColorPicker

  • For ListView, ListViewIcons, ListViewCustom, ListViewCustomHeight, TileView added support for ObservableList

  • Items property marked obsolete but can be used.

  • Added optional sequence parameters for Notify - notifications can be showed one by one, not only all at once like before.

  • For ListViewIcons items and TreeView nodes added field LocalizedName, so now can be easily added localization support.

  • EasyLayout - Control Width, Max Width, Control Height, Max Height replaced with “Children Width” and “Children Height” with options:
    • Do Nothing

    • Set Preferred - Set width/height to preferred, like Control Width/Height

    • Set Max from Preferred - Set width/height to maximum preferred width/height of items, like Max Width/Height

    • Fit Container - similar to “Child Force Expand” from Horizontal/Vertical Layout Group

  • ListViewCustomHeight - implementation of IListViewItemHeight for components now optional, but you still can implement it for optimization purpose.

Release 1.5.0

  • Added TileView

  • Added TreeView

  • Added ResizableHeader

  • Direction option for ListView’s

  • Value option for ListViewIcons items

Release 1.4.2

  • Added ListViewCustomHeight (support items of variable heights)

Release 1.4.1

  • Added CenteredSlider.

Release 1.4

  • Added RangeSlider

  • Added Accordion

  • Bugfixes. Thanks to Nox from Purple Pwny Studios ( for helping fix a mobile combobox bug.

Release 1.3

  • Added ListViewIcons

  • Added ComboboxIcons

  • Added ListViewCustom

  • Added ComboboxCustom

Release 1.2

  • Added Dialog

  • Added Draggable

Release 1.1

  • Added Notify

  • Added EasyLayout

Release 1.0

  • Initial release