TextMeshPro Support


You can enable TextMeshPro support with Edit / Project Settings… / New UI Widgets / TextMeshPro Support / Enable. If TextMeshPro not installed option will not be available.

After enabling support:

  • widgets created with menu UI / New UI Widgets / will use TextMeshPro instead of the default Text

  • generated widgets will be using TextMeshPro instead of the default Text

You can disable support the same way with Edit / Project Settings… / New UI Widgets / TextMeshPro Support / Disable.


Support is enabled only to installed platforms. Platforms that were added after it requires enabling support again.


TextMeshPro support is enabled by adding UIWIDGETS_TMPRO_SUPPORT directive to the Scripting Define Symbols in the Player Settings and forced scripts recompilation.

Starting with version 1.12 TextMeshPro support is done with TextAdapter and InputFieldAdapter components. Those are adapters for the actual Unity and TextMeshPro components. This allows replacing Text components without any code changes.