
Release 1.0.9

  • fixed ThemeTarget bug caused by removed component

Release 1.0.8

  • small improvements

Release 1.0.7

  • “Remove All ThemeTargets” renamed to “Detach Theme”

  • “Remove ThemeTargets with Default Theme” renamed to “Detach Default Theme”

  • Theme editor: added “Attach to the Scene” button, it will add/replace all themes in the active scene with the current one

Release 1.0.6

  • fixed problems during the first installation

Release 1.0.5

  • Assembly Definitions: improved support when reinstalling package

  • fixed build error for Unity 2021.3 versions

Release 1.0.4

  • added commands “Find Options” and “Find And Create Options” to use with existing ThemeTarget components

  • font size by default changed to 24

  • colorMultiplier by default changed to 1

  • commands “… Create Options” now set the current value for all variations if the option was created

Release 1.0.3

  • fixed bug when properties controlled by the owner were changed by Theme

  • added Selectable.colorMultiplier support

  • added Text.fontSize support

Release 1.0.2

  • fixed error caused by a missing folder in the package (since Unity does not include an empty folder in the package)

Release 1.0.1

  • added option to specify folder, and namespace for wrappers, and enable generate wrappers in Project Settings

  • ThemeTargets Search window: search is now performed on all opened scenes, not only active

  • ThemeTargets Search window: added search on all scenes and prefabs

  • ThemeTargets Search window: search results preserved after assembly reload

  • added context menu “Remove ThemeTargets with Default Theme”

  • added variations reorder

  • added Theme.IsActiveProperty(name) method to control available properties

  • white sprite can be marked with the “ui-themes-white-sprite” label

  • fixed options reordering when filter enabled

  • fixed variations delete

Release 1.0.0

  • Initial release