Single Line and Multi Line Connectors

Draw a line from current gameobject to the specified targets.

SingleConnector Options

  • Material Material

  • Color Color

  • Raycast Target bool

  • Sprite Sprite

  • Line ConnectorLine

  • Builder ILineBuilder

    Builder to draw custom lines.

MultipleConnector Options

  • Material Material

  • Color Color

  • Raycast Target bool

  • Sprite Sprite

  • Lines ObservableList<ConnectorLine>

    Lines list.

  • Builder ILineBuilder

    Builder to draw custom lines.

Connector Line

  • Target RectTransform

  • Start ConnectorPosition

    Start point of the line: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center.

  • End ConnectorPosition

    End point of the line: Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center.

  • Type ConnectorType

    Line type: Straight or Rectangular.

  • Arrow ConnectorArrow

    Arrow type: None, Forward, Backward. Multiple types can be selected.

  • Thickness float

    Line thickness.

  • Margin float

    The minimum space from the border before the turn of the line. Supported only by Rectangular lines.


Interface to build connectors mesh with a single method:
int Build(ConnectorBase connector, RectTransform source, ConnectorLine line, VertexHelper vh, int index)