
Handle IO exceptions: catch exceptions and display the following errors.


  • ErrorArgument GameObject

    Error in case of the ArgumentNullException or ArgumentException.

  • ErrorLongPath GameObject

    Error in case of the PathTooLongException.

  • ErrorUnauthorizedAccess GameObject

    Error in case of the UnauthorizedAccessException.

  • ErrorSecurity GameObject

    Error in case of the SecurityException.

  • ErrorDirectoryNotFound GameObject

    Error in case of the DirectoryNotFoundException.

  • ErrorIO GameObject

    Error in case of the IOException.

var result = ExceptionsView.Execute<ObservableList<TreeNode<FileSystemEntry>>>(FillDrivesList);

protected virtual void FillDrivesList(ObservableList<TreeNode<FileSystemEntry>> list)
        foreach (var drive in Directory.GetLogicalDrives())
                var item = new FileSystemEntry(drive, drive, false);
                list.Add(new TreeNode<FileSystemEntry>(item, null));