Windows Animations

Animations to show and hide windows (Dialog, Picker, Popup, Notifications).
Add this component to the window object to use.
Notifications also has other animations: Notifications Animations.


  • Unscaled Time bool

    Animation with use unscaled time if enabled.

  • Animation Curve AnimationCurve

    Curve used to animate values.

  • Animate Alpha bool

    Animate window transparency.

  • Animate Scale bool

    Animate window scale.

  • Animate Anchors bool

    Animate window RectTransform anchors.

  • Anchor X float

    Target RectTransform anchor X value.

  • Anchor Y float

    Target RectTransform anchor Y value.

  • Disable Interactable bool

    Blocks all interactions with dialog while the animation is running.
    User cannot press any button, change the values of other widgets, and so on.

Custom Animations

You can create your animations by implementing the IWindowAnimations interface.

public interface IWindowAnimations
        bool Enabled

        IEnumerator Open();

        IEnumerator Close();